Your Liver.
Your Life.
Our Experts.

Good liver health begins with you


Nationally, with a population of 1.2 billion people, the statistic stands at 0.08 persons as organ donors per million population (PMP). This is an incredibly small and insignificant number compared to the statistics around the world.

Countries like the USA, UK, Germany, and Netherlands have a 'family consent' system for donations where people sign up as donors, and their family's consent is required. These countries have seen the donations double Per Million Population averaging between 10-30 PMP. Other countries like Singapore, Belgium, Spain have a more aggressive approach of 'presumed consent', which permits organ donation by default unless the donor has explicitly opposed it during his lifetime. These countries have seen the rate of donations double, averaging between 20-40 PMP.

We understand it is difficult to think about organ donation when you have just lost a loved one; however organ donation is a generous and worthwhile decision that can save many lives. By donating, each person can save the lives of up to 7 individuals by way of organ donation and enhance the lives of over 50 people by way of tissue donation.

Did you know In India every year nearly:

  • 500,000 people die because of non-availability of organs.
  • 200,000 people die of liver disease.
  • 50,000 people die from heart disease.
  • 150,000 people await a kidney transplant but only 5,000 get one.
  • Nearly 25,000 liver transplants (LT) are currently being performed globally every year. Against an annual requirement of 2,00,000 LTs, Indian doctors could perform a dismal 500 in 2009 and 750 in 2010, according to a review article published in Indian Journal of Transplantation 2011.
  • 1,000,000 lakh people suffer from corneal blindness and await transplant.To bridge this gap, the states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka have started various awareness drives to promote cadaveric donation. And due to their efforts, the country has seen a small leap from 0.08 per million in 2008 to 0.1 in 2010 — which is promising.
  • 18 people die every day while waiting for organ transplants in the India, and every 10 minutes, another name is added to the waiting list. Each year, more than one million people need lifesaving and life-improving organs and tissues.